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  • Writer's picturebertabekar

Propaganda is everywhere!

Propaganda is a way of spreading ideas, usually biased, in a way that plays on peoples' emotions and makes them believe certain things. Propaganda can be in the form of an image, article, ad, or even video. Propaganda is most commonly used in relation to politics to manipulate a certain point of view, further an agenda, and influence a specific audience.

This video is from and it shows how we allow propaganda to get in our heads without even realizing. We see things online, and share them without fact checking the information. When we feel that a post has a lasting effect on us, it doesn't automatically mean its propaganda, but we should give it more attention and try to figure out why it had this effect, and if its the full story or not.

Propaganda is everywhere. Every piece of advertising has a certain motive, in order to gain a certain group's attention. It may not always be for bad. Sometimes propaganda is used to raise awareness for a certain disease, such as the coronavirus. During the pandemic, so many posters were put out to influence social distance, and hand washing and keep people indoors all together. There were some that did spread false information but for the most part, they were effective in getting people to better understand the effects of the virus.

This is an example of propaganda that was put out during the pandemic to help stop the spread of Covid-19.

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