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Writer's picturebertabekar

Meet me Halfway :)

Wow. I cant believe we have completed half the semester already. I am a first year student and I truly can't believe I have made it this far hahaha. Lets just say, college is nothing like high school. I'm taking half the amount of classes yet I have triple the workload.

When I first joined this class, I had no previous interest in visual communication. My major was not decided but I had interests in Psychology, education... But this class peaked an interest in marketing for me. After learning about design principles and the importance of colors, font size, and placement, I have paid way more attention to design in my everyday life. From logos, to street signs, to store fronts... its really cool to see the differences in each person's designs.

Side note- I've actually been seeing people who work in social media marketing and it really reminded me of this class. They basically handle the social media aspect of your business so you can worry about the rest. They use many of the design principles we've learned about to make each business unique and functional, while also helping it gain a larger audience.

When I first heard I needed to make myself a blog, I was so nervous. I thought it would be so hard to keep up with it and come up with thigs to write, but it has actually been fun!

This class has been run very smoothly and organized, and sadly, I can't say the same about my other classes. In this class, everything is accessible and assignments are posted way in advance to their due date, giving me freedom to do it on my less busy weeks, which I really appreciate.

I also really enjoy the creative freedom in the assignments we get. When I first read the instructions for the children's book assignment, I panicked. How can I tell a whole story with just shapes? And only using 5 colors???!!!! It's safe to say, I panicked. It took me some time, but once I chose my story and designed it in my head, it all flowed easily. It was actually really fun to do and I was proud of my final project!

This is only the halfway mark and this is already my favorite class! I hope to take another communications class next semester too!

Can't wait to see how the rest goes!

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1 comentário

ruby bo
ruby bo
15 de nov. de 2021

Hii! As a senior right now, it's very scary that I will be graduating soon. College is nothing like high school, and I feel like high school didn't prepare me for college in my own opinion. My advice to you is to take more classes in any interest you have besides your major! It's always good to experience a lot, and I recommended it from personal experience. HAHA, I felt the same way about the assignment, I was so nervous thinking you wouldn't be able to see what story I was trying to tell. I wish you a great semester and college year!! :D

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