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  • Writer's picturebertabekar


Did you ever realize that speaking comes naturally to humans while reading and writing need to be learned? This is because our brains need to interpret the letters and the sounds they make in order to understand them. Its an extra step that isn't necessary when speaking.

That was just an introduction to letters. But letters are everywhere! And as text became more common, so did typography. Typography is the style in which the letters are written- the font, color, arrangement...etc.

This may make it seem as though you need artistic experience to produce good typography, but that's not the case. According to, in order to produce good typography, you need to understand the goal of your text. Even if it looks aesthetically pleasing, if it doesn't strengthen the goal of the text, it is bad typography.

This road sign for example, looks pretty. But as a highway sign, it needs to be quick and easy to read, which this is not. This is an example of bad typography.

Typography is so important when it comes to marketing and business. Make sure the style of your text reinforces the goals of the text!!

<3 Berta

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